What Is Social Media... Realized?

Hi, I'm Craig!

Social Media is my passion.

Direct-Response Marketing is my pedigree. (ala Dan Kennedy)

Personal Development facilitation is my gift.

I utilize the tools of Social Media to help 'enlightened entrepreneurs,' visionaries, and artists tell their story, connect with their Tribe, and attract paying clients. 

You can see my own mission work here: http://EnlightenedChild.com (we're on the same path ;-)

Authenticity is the secret sauce, and I do more than just coach and consult. I facilitate personal transformation in service of your mission. Because in order to experience the spiritual, tribal and financial growth your mission requires, we have to do more than simply put up some social media sites and nifty content.

This is not about the money for me. This is about serving MY mission of helping as many other visionaries share their gifts with the world in an abundant, connected way.

...and I wanna get paid!

That said, I know the people who need my help the most are the ones who can afford it least. And I know that if I am successful in helping you make the transformations necessary to experience abundance in your life, from living more deeply into your mission, that there will be plenty to go around, and we can share in the abundance.

So, let's talk.

Enter your name & email on the right, and you will get an email from my system with the questions I'd like you to answer so I know if we are a good fit for each other. Feel free to share about yourself, your vision, your plan and your frustrations on this path.

Or simply connect with me here: http://www.facebook.com/SocialMediaRealized, and stay in the loop until you're ready to take the next step!

I sincerely look forward to connecting and supporting you in living your mission!


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